
The Gutterblood Talk Show is an experiment in seeding candid dialogue about the state of the Austin art scene as the city rapidly gentrifies.
Held off the grid in the warm intimacy of Sono Osato’s studio in Austin, Texas, it weaves people together across the diverse spectrum of cultural stakeholders to form new and stronger bonds and understanding within the Community.

means the kids that grow up together in the street in antiquated English slang, or, more succinctly, chosen family.


Lindsey Culpepper
- Logo Designer
Sono Osato - Founder and Producer
Christos Pathiakis- Director
Jacob Perez - Web Designer & Sound Engineer
Rita Marie Ross - Rigger & Production Assistant
Dio Traverso - Production Manager

Special Thanks

Annette DiMeo Carlozzi
Emily Lee
Robby O’Neil
Jessamyn Plotts
Jamey Poole
Tammie Rubin
Jill Schroeder
Laura Wehrman